Street art as a direction of artistic design

Street art (eng. Street - street) is one of the most influential areas of the underground since the days of punk. This is a new art form that has grown from graffiti and the use of such styles as minimal art, collage, assemblage, fluxus, conceptual art. Street art is the art of a new generation, using stickers, stencils, posters, spatial assemblages and installations, socio-sculpture and "neo-readymade" (new "ready-made things") in order to leave a memory of yourself by any means. The main thing for the creators of street art is the reaction of the public to short-lived works, and not fame or money. The names and nicknames of the figures of "street culture", whose masterpieces are created on the verge of the law mainly at night on the best walls of the houses of the cities of the world, became known thanks to the documentary film "Exit through the souvenir shop" by T. Gueta (later known as MBW - "Mr. shrink") under editorial provocateur and "robin hood" street art Banksy. Among them are Space Invader (space invader), which creates works about space aliens from mosaics; Monsieur Andre (Monsieur Henri), which depicts the life story of a cartoon character - a face; Zeus creates an open-air gallery by painting shadows on the pavement from various things; Shepard Erie, whose experiments with repetitive images turn the imaginary power of the image into a real one; artist Swoon chooses walls to paint by touch, texture.

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